Enby®: Can Identity Be Owned?

By Leeja Miller

In November, one adult toy company sued another adult toy company alleging infringement of their trademark rights in the term “ENBY.” The case has caused an uproar within the nonbinary and sexual wellness communities and has incited newfound interest in trademark law. It begs the question: can a company own a term like enby? . . .

Sex in the Time of COVID-19

By Mackenzie Darling

During a public health crisis, the public is thinking about their health and the safety of their loved ones. However, while society is focused on protecting people from COVID-19, the sexual health and wellbeing of individuals is under major threat. This forum discusses three major concerns about the current state of sexual and reproductive health: (1) the impact the COVID-19 pandemic may have on people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); (2) how state executive orders are preventing access to abortions; and (3) how the closures of doctor’s offices, Planned Parenthood health clinics, and non-essential stores pose a major threat to access to contraception and sexually transmitted infection (STI) healthcare . . .