Making the Case for Agencies: Why the Administrative State Should be Defended in a Moment of Distrust Towards the Federal Bureaucracy

By Luke Colomey & Andrew Turnbull

A special thanks to Northeastern University School of Law Professor Rachel Rosenbloom, for her inspired teaching and love of agencies.


The hundreds of wide-ranging United States federal agencies and sub-agencies may seem like nothing more than an “alphabet soup” of abbreviations to many, but their importance to the history and future of the country is unquantifiable. Agencies are an admittedly strange beast, as they represent something of a delicate bargain in the American system of government; agencies are part “legislative” (proposing and promulgating “final” regulations), part “executive” (investigating and prosecuting different crimes and infractions), and part “judicial” (adjudicating various disagreements through “Administrative Law Judges”). 

The Current Political & Legal Landscape

In recent years, agencies have been in the headlines as a result of several monumental and (potentially) game-changing administrative law rulings by the United States Supreme Court, including West Virginia v. EPA (2022) (creating the “major questions doctrine” and ensuring that the power to enact wide-reaching change lay in the hands of Congress, rather than agencies), SEC v. Jarkesy (2024) (requiring juries in certain agency prosecutions, thus likely decreasing the number of in-house agency adjudications), and Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo (2024) (overruling the longstanding “Chevron deference” doctrine which required courts to defer to an agency’s own interpretation of the statutes that created it). 

Moreover, following the results of the 2024 Presidential and Congressional elections, an impending second Trump Administration backed by a Republican-controlled House and Senate bodes ill for the federal administrative state that has caught the eye of the conservative machine. Shortly before the latest elections, current Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch published a book titled “Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law” in which he in part offers his longstanding “rebukes to the administrative state.” Subsequently, in the months before his inauguration, President Trump has announced his intention to eliminate the Department of Education (whether he has the power to do so is another matter) and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Trump’s nominee for Health and Human Services Secretary) went on record as planning to close “entire departments” of the Food & Drug Administration. Additionally , the Trump administration seems poised to challenge the Chair of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell’s refusal to resign (with President Trump stating he believes that Powell would leave if he “told him to”), and a Texas district court declared that the National Labor Relations Board (an agency that has been around since 1935) is unconstitutional because it similarly does not allow for board members to be removed at the whim of the president. There is surely more to come. 

Defending Agencies

Increasingly, the narrative being pushed about administrative agencies is that they create a kafkaesque nightmare that ensnares the unaware, ordinary person in violations of some vague and unnecessary regulation. However, this narrative ignores all of the integral work that agencies do every day to ensure the laws that protect the American people from scams, pollution, discrimination, monopolies, and more, are understandable, applied, and enforced with consistency for the betterment of all.  This article’s aim is to “make the case” for why agencies should be defended and preserved. With such a large number of agencies, each with expertise and power in a vast spectrum of different areas, the most effective method of doing so is shining a spotlight on a variety of recent noteworthy agency actions (whether they be proposed regulations, final regulations, or guidance documents). What follows is a collection and summarization of such agency actions.

Recent Agency Regulations & Guidance

FDA: Final Rule and Guidance on Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertisements

On November 21, 2023, after fifteen (15) years of development, the Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”) issued a final rule requiring clear language for Direct-to-Consumer prescription drug advertisements released on television and radio. On December 26, 2023, the FDA issued a guidance document meant to help small entities navigate this new rule which made clear that advertisements about prescription drugs must be presented in a “clear, conspicuous, and neutral manner.” The final rule is meant to ensure consumers understand the material information by requiring simple language; normal speech speed; dual presentation in audio and text; and visuals and music that do not distract from the information given. The nominee for U.S. Health Secretary, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., purportedly approves of this final rule, based on his stance of eliminating television drug advertisements in their entirety.

DOJ & FTC: Horizontal Merger Guidelines

On December 18, 2023, the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) released updated “Merger Guidelines” as part of an effort to revitalize the dormant area of antitrust law and crack down on the increasingly anticompetitive horizontal mergers that had been approved in the preceding decades. This document helps both companies to comply with the antitrust laws and provides litigators with a useful tool to help analyze companies’ potential mergers and structure their argument accordingly. 

FEC: Reworked Political Candidates’ Salary

On March 1, 2024, the Federal Election Commission (“FEC”) promulgated a final regulation allowing non-incumbent federal political candidates (as opposed to federal political officeholders) to receive a capped salary from their campaign funds under certain conditions. The clear purpose of this change is to “mak[e] it easier for everyday people to run for office and have a fighting chance to represent their communities in Congress.”

FNS: Update to the WIC Food Package

On April 18, 2024, the Food and Nutrition Service (“FNS”) updated the Women, Infants, and Children (“WIC”) WIC food packages, which are benefits designed to supplement the diets of income-eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum individuals, infants, and children up to five years of age with foods designed to address their specific nutritional needs. These food packages are supposed to be updated every 10 years in order to reflect new understandings in nutritional science, public health concerns, and cultural eating patterns. After a report was published in 2017 by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (“NASEM”) on the changes required in the WIC packages in 2017, FNS began working to update these food packages. The new changes provide (1) greater flexibility for participants with dietary restrictions (religious or other); (2) expanded availability and more options for fruits, vegetables, grain, and canned fish; and (3) more support for individual breastfeeding goals to help establish and sustain long-term breastfeeding. 

EPA: Four Final Rules to Reduce Pollution From Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants

On April 25, 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) announced four final rules aimed at reducing pollution from fossil fuel power plants: (i) Greenhouse Gas Standards and Guidelines for Fossil Fuel-Fired Power Plants; (ii) Mercury and Air Toxics Standards ("MATS"); (iii) Steam Electric Power Generating Effluent Guidelines; and (iv) Legacy Coal Combustion Residuals Surface Impoundments and CCR Management Units. These rules were written intentionally to avoid the issues the Supreme Court mentioned in West Virginia v. EPA where the court struck down similar efforts using the previously mentioned “Major Questions Doctrine.” It is almost certain that these laws will still face legal challenges. In the meantime, the Supreme Court has turned down requests to grant a stay for any of the rules while they are being challenged in the courts.

EEOC: Updated Enforcement Guidance on Workplace Harassment

On April 29, 2024, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) issued updated enforcement guidance on harassment in the workplace for the first time since 1999. In developing this guidance, “the EEOC received over 37,000 comments.” As for the substance, the EEOC updated guidance in accordance with new laws (such as the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act) and new case holdings (like that of Bostock v. Clayton County, finding that Title VII protects employees from being discriminated against based on their sexual orientation), and provided a plethora of unlawful harassment examples based on decades of cases and thousands of comments. This EEOC final guidance will be invaluable in helping employers comply with the ever-changing EEOC laws, informing employees about their rights, and helping litigators navigate the complex situations under these laws. 

FTC: Non-Compete Clause Rule

On May 7, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) promulgated a regulation banning “non-compete clauses,” a term of a contract that prohibits a former employee from working in the same or similar industry, usually limited by geography and/or time. This regulation was set to take effect on September 4, 2024, but before that date could be reached, a Florida District Court enjoined the rule from becoming effective against a specific party, and a Texas District Court set aside the rule nationwide, while a Pennsylvania District Court upheld the FTC’s regulation. The FTC has appealed the Texas court’s ruling to the Fifth Circuit.

FCC: Disclosure of AI in Political Ads

On July 25, 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) announced a proposal to require the disclosure of generative Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) used in political advertisements. The period for notice and comment on the proposed regulation has passed. Interestingly, after the FCC’s statement, the FEC announced that it would not pursue the same. 


When actually digging into the actions that agencies perform day-to-day, instead of merely focusing on the worst-case-scenarios that are highlighted in certain narratives, one will begin to understand how crucial agencies are to the infrastructure of the federal government. Of course, agencies (like any arm of the government) have the potential to (and in practice do) make bad rules, become subsumed by big personalities, create bureaucracy, clash with other actors, cause public scandals, and make mistakes. While no one denies that Congress needs to step up and start taking a more active role in the oversight of the agencies that act in their name, the reality is that Congress is mired in political infighting, culture wars, and running for re-election. Additionally, agencies themselves are able to promulgate and update laws that Congress simply does not have the time for; regulate niche areas that would otherwise go overlooked; provide guidance for how to comply with complex laws; do the heavy lifting in regards to public feedback and conducting fact-finding and practical studies; and address cutting-edge problems that may otherwise take Congress years to address. At bottom, these agencies provide the expertise, the commitment, and the will to allow such a complicated and compartmentalized machine as the United States government to function and to strive for improvement. But do not take the words of these two authors at face value. Instead, listen to the agencies themselves; they make the case for their existence every day. 

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Luke Colomey attended high school in Cumberland, Rhode Island, and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Political Science from the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine. He is currently pursuing his J.D. at Northeastern University School of Law in Boston, Massachusetts. This spring he is a law clerk at Sherin and Lodgen.

Andrew Turnbull came back to the US from Zambia in 2016 and graduated with a Bachelor’s in political science and economics from Gordon College in Wenham, MA. He is currently a Juris Doctorate candidate for the class of 2025 at Northeastern University School of Law in Boston, MA. This Spring Andrew is working as a Rule 3:03 Certified student prosecutor in the Essex County District Attorney’s Office.